


1. The society shall be called THE HURST HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY.

2. The objects of the society shall be the encouragement and promotion of interest in all branches of horticultural  development by: 

a) The holding of shows and exhibitions of fruit, flowers and vegetables grown by members and/or associates,  from time to time as determined by the HHS committee.
b) The mutual exchange/trading of plants, seeds etc.
c) The purchase and distribution of plants, trees, seeds and horticultural requirements on behalf of members on a co-operative basis.
d) The arrangement of social events for members and their families. 

3. The management of the society shall be vested in a Committee comprising :

Chairperson,  Secretary,  Treasurer, Supplies Secretary,  Social Secretary.  Plus additional members as required. 

All offices shall be filled by voting at the Annual General Meeting. 

4. The Committee shall have power to co-opt members to the Committee to fill vacancies arising between meetings or in order to secure specialist assistance. 

5. Meetings of the Committee shall be held on at least 5 occasions each year. 

6. Membership shall be open to ALL residents of the Hurst District of Bexley and adjacent districts plus such persons as the Committee may deem eligible. Power to refuse membership shall be vested in the Committee but any applicant refused membership shall be permitted to submit an appeal in writing to the next AGM of the society. 

7. The annual subscription shall be fixed by the Committee payable on entrance and renewable on the second Sunday of February. 

8. The financial year of the Society shall terminate on 31st December each year.  All monies must be entered into a single register each week and promptly banked to the authorised account. The Treasurer is required to make monthly bank reconciliations of income and expenditure and report such financial statements at each management meeting.  For as long as the Society remains an unregulated private members horticultural society which is not a charity, it should not be required to incur expenditure on annual external professional audits.

9. Funds of the Society shall not be used for purposes other than the stated objects of the Society,  unless authorised by an AGM.

10. The AGM shall be held in April of each year. The reports of officers,  statement of accounts and the balance sheet shall be submitted to the membership for approval (all treasurer's records should then be available for inspection ). At least 21 days notice of such meeting shall be given.

11. A Special General Meeting may be called by the Committee at any time or on a request signed by not less than 20 members.  The Secretary shall within 14 days call a Special General Meeting of which 7 days notice,  stating the purpose of such meeting,  must be given. No other business other than stated in the requisition shall be transacted.

12. The rules governing shows, exhibitions etc shall not be published separately and shall be printed in the show or exhibition schedule. 

13. No amendments to the Rules shall be made except those sanctioned by the AGM. Notice of motion to amend Rules shall be made in writing to the Secretary,  14 days prior to the AGM.

14. Interpretation of these Rules shall be at the Chairperson's discretion. Matters not provided for in these Rules shall be dealt with by the Committee as necessary. 

15. Resignations from office should be presented to the Committee at any meeting. 

16. Policies: so far as is relevant,  the Society will conform to the Codes of Behaviour and Equal Opportunities as advised at .