
Friday, 6 June 2014

Spring Newsletter


Making a start on this newsletter in mid February, it seems unbelievable that we have had no cold weather this winter but on the other hand the rain has been unrelenting and flooding is now a very serious problem in many parts of Southern England. The stores opened on 9th February and we have a very good stock of compost and fertilizers available to replace the goodness in the soil that has been washed away by the rain. Please take some time and pop round on Sunday morning.


Numbers were down last year. We must have a membership as part of our remit as a society, which gives us certain tax advantages. Membership is open to all residents of Bexley and anyone else locally who is interested in gardening.


After our successful outings and quiz nights last year, I am adopting a slightly different approach to try and give everyone a fair chance of obtaining the bookings they desire. As from 1st March, I shall accept bookings for any of the events listed below:

Coach trip to Wisley - Saturday 14th June - NOW FULL
Coach trip to Brighton - Saturday 6th September - £5 members, £10 nonmembers
Quiz night - Friday 24th October - 7.30 for 8pm start - £6 per person, teams of 6/8
(Some tables for teams of less will be available but we will be limiting total numbers this year).

Please book with Bob on Sundays, or email me at
Cheques accepted, made payable to Hurst Horticultural Society.


Last year's show was terrific and I would like to thank everyone who took part and also those who just came along for making such an enjoyable and successful evening. This show will follow the format of recent years so go through those seed catalogues for runner/French beans, tomatoes (better to buy your plants from us!), carrots, beetroot, potatoes, courgettes etc.
Further details in the Summer newsletter.


The old trophies are now redundant. If you or your family have donated a trophy in the past and would like it returned, please contact me.


Towards the end of last year we learnt of the death of Norman Taylor. Norman was a friendly, gentle man and a great supporter of our Society and up to a couple of years ago could be seen every Sunday morning helping out around the stores, particularly selling plants and offering advice where he could. Norman also served as Treasurer for the Society. He will be sadly missed.


The new doors to the stores were fitted last Autumn and they look very smart. However, we are experiencing trouble opening and shutting due to some expansion, probably due to all the wet weather. Once we have sorted this problem, I intend to purchase some new notice boards, for the inside of the doors, in order to display most of the current prices of the most popular stock items.

Let's hope the weather improves and we can get out in the gardens again.
See you on Sunday mornings.


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