
Saturday, 18 July 2015



Some of our members enjoyed a great day out at Wisley on May 30th. Those of you who have not been should try and attend next year as it is a wonderful place. The stores appear to be doing well this year, and we have had a couple of bumper Sundays. We always try to give good value, and members are pleased both with prices and quality of plants. One hiccup this year is that we did not grow enough cherry tomatoes, but this will be rectified next year. Plants are still available, so come and see what we have in stock.


Coach trip to Hastings - Saturday Sept 5th - £10 members, £ 15 non members (seats still available)

Summer show- Friday Aug 21st - £1 per exhibit. Cash prizes

Quiz night - Friday Oct 16th - £6 per person - Teams up to 8 people


The AGM was very poorly attended.


Those of you who regularly purchase our compost may have noticed that the Farmyard manure (used to be in a yellow bag with a horse's head on the front), which is a great soil improver and our best seller, has changed composition. Peter Dabnor noticed the change and complained to the suppliers. After much discussion the manufacturers agreed an error had occurred resulting in a mixture of compost and manure. So we are selling this at £3 per bag. We are expecting delivery of the proper Farmyard manure, but this is now priced at £4.50.


Most of you will know George Dabnor, who has been a stalwart of the society for many years. Unfortunately he has not been well, and I'm sure you will all join me in wishing him a speedy recovery, and we hope to see him again soon at the sheds on Sunday mornings.

Unfortunately, owing to his wife's serious illness, Colin Rudd feels unable to continue as our membership Secretary. Colin has given many years of service to HHS and will be greatly missed and I would like to thank him for all his sterling efforts on our behalf.


As you will have guessed, we need a new membership secretary. Can anyone step forward and fill the role? It requires the collating of all details of members, which is already set up, and organising the collectors every Spring so the subs can be collected. If anyone can help, please see me on Sunday or call me on 02083062202.

SUMMER SHOW - Friday Aug 21st

This year we have booked the main hall for the show from 4.30 - 10pm. All exhibits should be registered by 7.30 and will cost £1 each. We have more categories this year, in an effort to be more inclusive after your suggestions from last year. Please have a go, it really is a good evening. The list of categories is below.


1. Tomatoes - 5 - all types and sizes
2. Beans - 5 - all types
3. Potatoes - 3
4. Other root vegetables -3
5. Green vegetables -3
6. Cucumbers(1), courgettes(3), gourds(3), marrows(1), melons(1)
7. Onions - 3
8. Fruit (any) - 3 at least (7 any berries)
9. Flowers (arrangements, vases etc)
10. Photos (any taken in your garden in 2015)
11. Cake (any type except fruit or chocolate)


So, get growing, snapping and baking for the Summer Show. Book those last seats for Hastings and don't forget the Quiz night in October. Anything you want to know, or any suggestions, contact me on 02083062202, email or see any of us at the sheds on Sunday mornings.


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