
Saturday, 25 April 2015


Tomato plants will be available from April 26th.

Runner beans following soon!

Strawberry plants also available now, plus a small selection of perennials.

Photograph by Heather Charlton


  1. Plants are the most important source for livelihood

  2. Protection is one thing which about everybody in this world might want. There are a few means with which you could build the protection and security of your home, yet nothing could be as compelling as the presentation of supporting plants. Supporting plants have been utilized for quite a long while as a method for security and protection.

  3. Shade tolerant plants work quite well as houseplants, in such areas as the end of the hallway, or say, a bathroom with only one tiny window. A low light indoor plant will also work well in a dark area, provided it gets rotated out regularly with other plants.


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