Coach Trips leave Community Centre 9am
06/05/20 Leonardslee Gardens £24pp
13/06/20 Wisley £13pp
05/09/20 Hastings £14pp
07/04/20 AGM 7.30 Community Centre (free)
17/04/20 Quiz Night £5pp
16/10/20 Quiz night £5pp
It feels strange writing the spring report in darkest February, but it is necessary in order to give you plenty of warning of our early trip to Leonardslee Gardens on 6th May. This reopened last year, having been closed for 10 years. It's a lovely spring garden with many great features and interesting exhibits. Please book ASAP as if not enough people are interested it will have to be cancelled. Please note that Leonardslee do not take cash, so it's debit or credit cards only for any purchases made there. If you do not possess one, they have a card you can purchase on arrival, use while there and get a refund when you leave of any money outstanding. They do not allow you to take picnics etc into the gardens, but please look at their website as they have plenty of food outlets at all different price levels.
We had a great trip to Wisley last year and it's the best value we can offer as you get in free. We lost heavily last year on our seaside trip, so please support us this year. The prices have seen a small rise on last year due to transport costs. We attempt to make all trips self financing but it is inevitable that one trip may make a profit while another a loss, in the end it evens out, as last year when we were up £10 overall. Numbers are so critical.
Our last quiz in October was a resounding success with over 60 people attending. If we get the same interest this year we will have to limit numbers, something we have never done before. Please come to our AGM and see how the committee run our society and have your say on what we do. I think some of you would be surprised at our financial setup and how well it is maintained by our treasurer Peter Wells.
We had a good year in 2019 and this will enable us to keep prices down, for example there will be no increase in price for manure or compost which remains at £5. Please note that we are now stocking peat free organic compost but it is more expensive. We are growing a massive selection of tomato varieties along with some other vegetables and all the usual bedding plants.
Any enquiries to me on 02083062202 or 07786 744477 or or on Sunday mornings at the sheds.
See you soon. Bob
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